General terms of delivery and payment

1. Scope

The following conditions apply to business transactions between Kaiserdom Specialiye Brauerei GmbH Bamberg - hereinafter referred to as "brewery" - and its business partner - hereinafter referred to as "customer" - unless there is an individual written agreement to the contrary. Deviating, conflicting or supplementary general terms and conditions of the customer do not become part of the contract, even if the brewery is aware of them.
Subsidiary agreements and/or supplements to these conditions and the contract require express written confirmation to be legally effective.

2. Order / Delivery

In order to be able to ensure timely delivery, the brewery requests orders for domestic delivery, if possible 2 days before the desired dispatch by 2:00 p.m. Order acceptance is non-binding in terms of quantity, price, delivery time and availability.
Der Versand der Ware erfolgt, soweit er nicht durch brauereieigene Fahrzeuge oder durch von der Brauerei beauftragte Firmen oder Speditionen gemäß der Toureneinteilung der Brauerei vorgenommen wird, auf Gefahr des Kunden ab Ab-schluss des Ladevorgangs in der Brauerei. Teillieferungen sind zulässig.

3. Quality

The brewery will produce and deliver the drinks of impeccable quality, in particular complying with all existing legal regulations during production. The shelf life of the beer depends on the type and duration of its storage and the care provided by the customer. Beer should be stored frost-proof, cool, protected from the sun and light. The best beer cellar temperature is 7-8°C. When tapping, the oldest cask should always be taken.

4. Liability for defects

Any complaints about the quality, the quantity delivered or an incorrect delivery must be reported to the brewery in writing by the customer immediately. Complaints about obvious defects and deviations from the quantities specified on the delivery notes must be made upon receipt of the goods, but no later than within 8 days. Otherwise liability of the brewery due to these defects is excluded.
If the notice of defects is justified, the brewery can deliver replacement goods that are free of defects. The customer must grant the brewery a reasonable period of time for this. Further claims and rights, in particular to retention of the purchase price, are expressly excluded: this does not apply in the case of intent or product liability.
The keg content determined by the calibration authorities is binding for the brewery and the customer. In the case of a sale ex works, the brewery places the goods on the vehicle of the collector (owner of the vehicle) according to the instructions of the driver. The transport and operationally safe loading according to the current state of load securing technology is carried out by the collector, who uses appropriately trained drivers. The collector also provides the necessary load securing aids. The brewery does not check the load securing measures carried out by the person collecting the goods - or his vicarious agents. The brewery is not liable for damage resulting from insufficient load securing.
Wenn keinerlei Sicherungsmaßnahmen zur Sicherung des Ladegutes in Form von sicherem Aufbau und/oder Plane, Latten, Zurrgurten, Getränkeaufbauten u. ä. durchgeführt werden können, wird das Fahrzeug nicht beladen. Eine Beladeverweigerung wird protokolliert.
If the products are not stored or transported in a frost-proof, cool, sun and light-protected place by the customer or third parties after delivery, the brewery is not liable for the resulting defects.
In the event of intentional or grossly negligent damage, the brewery is liable in accordance with the statutory provisions. The brewery is also liable if an essential contractual obligation is culpably violated. Liability for compensation for damage instead of fulfillment remains unaffected.
The amount of liability in the aforementioned cases - with the exception of liability for intent - is limited to the extent of the foreseeable, typically occurring damage.
Legal liability for personal injury of any kind remains unaffected. The customer's liability claims under the Product Liability Act also remain unaffected.
Insofar as liability is limited according to the above provisions, this also applies to the personal liability of the brewery's own employees, their vicarious agents and representatives.

5. Payment

 5.1 Prices

Deliveries are made at the daily prices/list prices or agreed sales prices plus statutory VAT that are valid for the respective customer group on the day of delivery. Price changes become effective upon notification to the customer.

 5.2 Maturity

The claims from delivery are due immediately after receipt of the invoice and without deduction.

 5.3 SEPA Direct Debit

The period for the pre-notification to be provided by the creditor when collecting claims in the SEPA direct debit procedure is reduced to at least one day. The advance information is provided with invoicing. The creditor identification number of the brewery is: DE4ZZZ00000282556.

 5.4 Billing Confirmation

The customer must check balance confirmations and other bills for correctness and completeness and raise objections in writing with the brewery within 2 weeks of receipt of the balance confirmation or bill. Otherwise, these are considered approved if the brewery has informed the customer of the possibility of objection.

 5.5 Default

In the event of a delay in payment, the brewery has the right to demand cash payment or to make further deliveries dependent on the payment of the arrears. Default interest is 2% above the discount rate of the Deutsche Bundesbank, or at least 5% annually. We reserve the right to assert further damage caused by delay.

 5.5 Set-off

Only undisputed or legally established claims can be offset against claims by the brewery. The customer is only entitled to rights of retention if these are based on the same contractual relationship.

 5.6 Retention of title

The brewery retains ownership of the delivered goods until full payment of all claims from the business relationship existing up to the time of invoicing and settlement of any balance from the current account relationship that is debited to the customer at this point in time.
Die Weiterveräußerung der unter Eigentumsvorbehalt gelieferten Waren darf nur in der im Betrieb des Kunden üblichen Weise erfolgen. Die Waren dürfen von dem Kunden weder verpfändet noch zur Sicherung Dritten übereignet werden. Die Forderung des Kunden gegen Dritte aus der Weiterveräußerung der unter Eigentumsvorbehalt stehenden Ware tritt der Kunde hiermit im Voraus an die Brauerei ab. Die Brauerei nimmt diese Abtretung hiermit an. Die Brauerei ist berechtigt, die ihr durch den Kunden zu benennenden Dritten von dem Übergang der Forderung zu benachrichtigen und die abgetretene Forderung im eigenen Namen geltend zu machen.
Sofern die der Brauerei zustehenden Sicherheiten den realisierbaren Wert ihrer Forderung um mehr als 20 Prozent übersteigen, ist die Brauerei verpflichtet, auf Verlangen des Kunden die entsprechenden Sicherheiten freizugeben; die Auswahl der freizugebenden Sicherheiten obliegt der Brauerei.

6. Empties

 6.1 Ownership

The empties (crates, returnable bottles, barrels, beverage containers and pallets) intended for reuse or provided with company identification, writing or labeling are only loaned to the customer for the intended use. It remains the inalienable property of the brewery. In the case of standard bottles, standard boxes and standard pallets, empties of the same type, quantity and quality must be returned.

 6.2 Deposit

The brewery calculates the applicable deposit amounts for the empties; these are due together with the purchase price plus statutory VAT. The deposit amounts serve only as security. Under no circumstances do they apply as a basis for assessment for deductions and remuneration of any kind.

 6.3 Return

The customer is obliged to immediately return returnable empties to the brewery in proper condition, or to return them if they collect them themselves. The brewery is only obliged to take back crates with the types and types of bottles provided for this purpose and delivered by it to the customer (so-called sorted returnable empties). The brewery is not obliged to accept empties that the customer is not responsible for returning. It is entitled to make multiple returns and damaged or heavily soiled empties available to the customer for collection.
Leergut, das mit dem gelieferten Material nicht in Form, Farbe, Größe und Mündung übereinstimmt oder das beschädigt oder stark verschmutzt ist, gilt als nicht zurückgegeben.
Für nicht zurückgegebenes Leergut ist Schadenersatz zu leisten, wobei das eingezahlte Pfandgeldguthaben angerechnet wird.
Die mengen- und qualitätsmäßige Feststellung des zurückgegebenen Leergutes erfolgt durch Zählung und Prüfung im Betrieb der Brauerei. Verlorengegangenes oder stark beschädigtes Leergut muss vom Kunden in Höhe von 80% des Wiederbeschaffungspreises bezahlt werden (Abzug 20 % „Neu für Alt“).

 6.4 Empties rates

The empties statements sent to the customer by the brewery are deemed to be accepted if the customer does not raise any objections in writing within two weeks and the brewery has informed the customer of the possibility of objection.

7. Miscellaneous


The customer agrees to the business-necessary processing of his data; The above applies as a notification in accordance with Section 33 (1) of the Federal Data Protection Act. The brewery reserves the right to transmit the data to third parties (e.g. insurance companies) to the extent necessary to fulfill the contract.


The contractual relationships between the brewery and the customer are exclusively subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding all references to other legal systems and international agreements. The application of the uniform Hague Sales Laws and the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded.


The place of performance for all rights and obligations arising from the current business relationship is Bamberg.


As far as legally permissible, Bamberg is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship.


Should a provision of these terms and conditions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of all other provisions of these terms and conditions.

Status: September 2014